package xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.manger; import org.springframework.boot.system.ApplicationHome; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.enums.DataBase; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.enums.FieldType; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.manger.callable.AndroidCallable; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.manger.callable.ApiCallable; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.manger.callable.SBMDBCallable; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.manger.callable.SpringBootCallable; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.manger.callable.SpringMVCCallable; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.manger.callable.VueCallable; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.AbstractDBmapper; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.AndroidOption; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.Api; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.Field; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.Module; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.MySQLDBmapper; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.OracleDBmapper; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.Project; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.SBMDBOption; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.SQLiteDBmapper; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.Table; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.po.VueOption; import xyz.wbsite.dbtool.javafx.tool.Dialog; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; public class ProjectManager { public static boolean isUpdate = false; private XmlManager xmlService; public static AbstractDBmapper dBmapper; public static File path; private Project project = new Project(); public ProjectManager() { xmlService = ManagerFactory.getXmlManager(); try { ApplicationHome home = new ApplicationHome(getClass()); File jarFile = home.getSource(); this.path = new File(jarFile.getParent(), "project"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); this.path = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "project"); } if (!path.exists()) { path.mkdirs(); } invalidate(); } public static File getPath() { return path; } public static void setPath(File path) { ProjectManager.path = path; } public void modelCreate() { project = new Project(); } public Module findDBByDBName(String name) { for (Module md : project.getModules()) { if (md.getModuleName().equals(name)) { return md; } } return null; } public boolean removeDBByDBName(String name) { for (Module md : project.getModules()) { if (md.getModuleName().equals(name)) { project.getModules().remove(md); return true; } } return false; } public Table findTableByTableName(Module md, String name) { for (Table t : md.getTables()) { if (t.getTableName().equals(name)) { return t; } } return null; } public Table getNewTableName(Module md) { String base = "NEW_TABLE"; String name = base; int k = 0; do { int i; for (i = 0; i < md.getTables().size(); i++) { if (name.equals(md.getTables().get(i).getTableName())) { break; } } if (i < md.getTables().size()) { k++; name = base + "_" + k; } else { Table table = new Table(name); table.setTableComment("注释"); table.setCreate(true); table.setDelete(true); table.setUpdate(true); table.setFind(true); table.setGet(true); table.setSearch(false); table.setSys(md.isHasSysFields());//获取是否默认添加系统字段 checkSysFields(table);// 检查或移除系统字段 md.putTable(table); return table; } } while (true); } public void checkSysFields(Table table) { if (table != null) { if (table.getSys()) { removeSysFields(table); insertSysFields(table); } else { removeSysFields(table); } } } private void removeSysFields(Table table) { Iterator iterator = table.getFields().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Field next =; if (next.getIsSystem()) { iterator.remove(); } } } private void insertSysFields(Table table) { Field id = new Field("ID"); id.setIsSystem(true); id.setIsMust(true); id.setIsPrimaryKey(true); id.setFieldType(FieldType.Long); id.setFieldLength(19); id.setFieldComment("主键"); Field row_version = new Field("ROW_VERSION"); row_version.setIsSystem(true); row_version.setIsMust(true); row_version.setFieldType(FieldType.Long); row_version.setFieldLength(19); row_version.setFieldComment("行版本"); Field is_deleted = new Field("IS_DELETED"); is_deleted.setIsSystem(true); is_deleted.setIsMust(true); is_deleted.setDefaultValue("0"); is_deleted.setFieldType(FieldType.Boolean); is_deleted.setFieldLength(1); is_deleted.setFieldComment("是否已删除"); Field created_by = new Field("CREATE_BY"); created_by.setIsSystem(true); created_by.setIsMust(true); created_by.setFieldType(FieldType.Long); created_by.setFieldLength(19); created_by.setFieldComment("创建用户"); Field creation_time = new Field("CREATE_TIME"); creation_time.setIsSystem(true); creation_time.setIsMust(true); creation_time.setDefaultValue("NULL"); creation_time.setFieldType(FieldType.Date); creation_time.setFieldComment("创建时间"); Field last_updated_by = new Field("LAST_UPDATE_BY"); last_updated_by.setIsSystem(true); creation_time.setDefaultValue("NULL"); last_updated_by.setFieldType(FieldType.Long); last_updated_by.setFieldLength(19); last_updated_by.setFieldComment("最后更新用户"); Field last_update_time = new Field("LAST_UPDATE_TIME"); last_update_time.setIsSystem(true); last_update_time.setFieldType(FieldType.Date); last_update_time.setFieldComment("最后更新时间"); table.putFirstField(id); table.putField(row_version); table.putField(is_deleted); table.putField(created_by); table.putField(creation_time); table.putField(last_updated_by); table.putField(last_update_time); } public String getNewModuleName() { String base = "example"; String name = base; int k = 0; do { int i; for (i = 0; i < project.getModules().size(); i++) { if (name.equals(project.getModules().get(i).getModuleName())) { break; } } if (i < project.getModules().size()) { k++; name = base + k; } else { Module md = new Module(name); md.setModuleName(name); md.setModuleComment("注释"); project.putModule(md); return name; } } while (true); } public String getNewFieldName(List fields) { String base = "NEW_FIELD"; String name = base; int k = 0; do { int i; for (i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { if (name.equals(fields.get(i).getFieldName())) { break; } } if (i < fields.size()) { k++; name = base + "_" + k; } else { Field field = new Field(name); field.setDefaultValue("NULL"); field.setIsQuery(false); field.setIsMust(false); field.setIsPrimaryKey(false); field.setFieldType(FieldType.String_var50); field.setFieldLength(FieldType.String_var50.getDefaultLength()); int j = 0; for (; j < fields.size(); j++) { if (fields.get(j).getFieldName().equals("ROW_VERSION")) { break; } } fields.add(j, field); return name; } } while (true); } public List getMds() { return project.getModules(); } public Project getProject() { return project; } public boolean doCheck() { if (project.getProjectName() == null || "".equals(project.getProjectName())) { Dialog.showConfirmDialog("没有填写项目名!"); return false; } else if (project.getProjectBasePackage() == null || "".equals(project.getProjectBasePackage())) { Dialog.showConfirmDialog("没有填写基本域名!"); return false; } else if (project.getProjectAuthor() == null || "".equals(project.getProjectAuthor())) { Dialog.showConfirmDialog("没有填写作者!"); return false; } for (Module md : project.getModules()) { if (md.getModuleName() == null || "".equals(md.getModuleName())) { Dialog.showConfirmDialog("项目" + project.getProjectName() + "没有填写模块名!"); return false; } else if (md.getModuleComment() == null || "".equals(md.getModuleComment())) { Dialog.showConfirmDialog("项目" + project.getProjectName() + "没有模块注释!"); return false; } } return true; } /** * 保存配置文件 */ public void save(File file) { xmlService.saveAs(file, project); } public void save() { xmlService.saveAs(path, project); } public void delete() { File file = new File(path, project.getProjectName() + ".xml"); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } } private static ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); public void tryGetDBmapper(DataBase dataBase) { if ( { dBmapper = new MySQLDBmapper(dataBase); } else if ( { dBmapper = new OracleDBmapper(dataBase); } else if ( { dBmapper = new SQLiteDBmapper(dataBase); } } /** * 生成模板 入口 * * @param path */ public void generate(final String path, final String option, final DataBase dataBase) { tryGetDBmapper(dataBase); File root = new File(path); if (!root.exists()) { Dialog.showTimedDialog(1000, "目录不存在!"); } Dialog.showProgress("生成中..."); new Thread() { @Override public void run() { Callable callback = null; switch (option) { case "SpringBoot": callback = new SpringBootCallable(path, dataBase, project, option, false); break; case "SpringBoot+Cloud": callback = new SpringBootCallable(path, dataBase, project, "SpringBoot", true); break; case "SpringMVC_Mybatis": callback = new SpringMVCCallable(path, dataBase, project, option); break; default: } Future submit = service.submit(callback); try { submit.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dialog.stopPopup(); Dialog.showSuccess("生成完毕."); } }.start(); } public void generateApi(File module, File api, List domainList, List apis) { if (module.exists()) { Dialog.showProgress("生成中..."); new Thread() { @Override public void run() { boolean mkdirs = api.mkdirs(); ApiCallable apiCallable = new ApiCallable(module, api, domainList, apis); Future submit = service.submit(apiCallable); try { Boolean b = (Boolean) submit.get(); if (!b) { Dialog.showError("请确认目录结构是否存在或正确!"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dialog.stopPopup(); Dialog.showSuccess("Api生成完毕."); } }.start(); } } public void generate(final String path, AndroidOption option) { Dialog.showProgress("生成中..."); new Thread() { @Override public void run() { AndroidCallable androidCallable = new AndroidCallable(path, option); Future submit = service.submit(androidCallable); try { Boolean b = (Boolean) submit.get(); if (!b) { Dialog.showError("请确认目录结构是否存在或正确!"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dialog.stopPopup(); Dialog.showSuccess("Android生成完毕."); } }.start(); } public void generate(final String path, VueOption option) { Dialog.showProgress("生成中..."); new Thread() { @Override public void run() { VueCallable vueCallable = new VueCallable(path, option); Future submit = service.submit(vueCallable); try { Boolean b = (Boolean) submit.get(); if (!b) { Dialog.showError("请确认目录结构是否存在或正确!"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dialog.stopPopup(); Dialog.showSuccess("Vue生成完毕."); } }.start(); } public void generate(final String path, SBMDBOption option) { Dialog.showProgress("生成中..."); new Thread() { @Override public void run() { SBMDBCallable callable = new SBMDBCallable(path, option); Future submit = service.submit(callable); try { Boolean b = (Boolean) submit.get(); if (!b) { Dialog.showError("请确认目录结构是否存在或正确!"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Dialog.stopPopup(); Dialog.showSuccess("生成完毕."); } }.start(); } /** * 初始化模型树,当存在多个时,默认第一个 */ public void invalidate() { File[] files = path.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(".xml") || name.endsWith(".XML"); } }); if (files == null || files.length == 0) { project = xmlService.inflate(null); } else { project = xmlService.inflate(files[0]); } } /** * 初始化模型树,当存在多个时,默认第一个 */ public void invalidate(File xmlFile) { project = xmlService.inflate(xmlFile); } public static boolean testConnect(Map properties) { String url = properties.get("url"); String username = properties.get("username"); String password = properties.get("password"); String driverClassName = properties.get("driverClassName"); try { //加载MySQL的驱动类 Class.forName(driverClassName); Connection cn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); cn.close(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public static boolean loadMD(Map properties) { String type = properties.get("type"); String url = properties.get("url"); String username = properties.get("username"); String password = properties.get("password"); String driverClassName = properties.get("driverClassName"); Connection cn = null; if ("Orcale".equals(type)) { try { dBmapper = new OracleDBmapper(DataBase.Oracle); //加载驱动类 Class.forName(driverClassName); cn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); Module md = new Module(username); //查询所有表 Statement statement = cn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("select t.table_name,c.comments from user_tables t LEFT JOIN user_tab_comments c ON t.table_name = c.table_name ORDER BY T .table_name"); while ( { Table table = new Table(rs.getString("table_name"), rs.getString("comments")); table.setCreate(true); table.setDelete(true); table.setUpdate(true); table.setFind(true); table.setGet(false); table.setSearch(false); md.putTable(table); } for (Table table : md.getTables()) { String sql = "SELECT T.*,CASE WHEN C.POSITION='1' THEN '1' ELSE '0' END PrimaryKey FROM(select A.COLUMN_ID,A.COLUMN_NAME,A.DATA_TYPE,A.DATA_LENGTH,A .DATA_PRECISION,A .DATA_SCALE,A.NULLABLE,A.DATA_DEFAULT,B.comments from user_tab_columns A ,user_col_comments B where A.Table_Name='" + table.getTableName() + "' AND B.Table_Name='" + table.getTableName() + "' AND A.COLUMN_NAME=B.COLUMN_NAME) T LEFT JOIN user_cons_columns C ON T.COLUMN_NAME = C.COLUMN_NAME AND POSITION = '1' AND C.Table_Name='" + table.getTableName() + "' ORDER BY T .COLUMN_ID"; ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery(sql); while ( { Field field = new Field(); field.setFieldName(set.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); String data_type = set.getString("DATA_TYPE"); int data_length = set.getInt("DATA_LENGTH"); int data_precision = set.getInt("DATA_PRECISION"); int data_scale = set.getInt("DATA_SCALE"); field.setFieldType(dBmapper.getType(data_type, data_length, data_precision, data_scale)); field.setFieldLength(set.getInt("DATA_LENGTH")); String nullable = set.getString("NULLABLE"); field.setDefaultValue(set.getString("DATA_DEFAULT")); field.setFieldComment(set.getString("COMMENTS")); if ("N".equals(nullable)) { field.setIsMust(true); } else { field.setIsMust(false); } String primarykey = set.getString("PRIMARYKEY"); if ("1".equals(primarykey)) { field.setIsPrimaryKey(true); } else { field.setIsPrimaryKey(false); } field.setIsQuery(false); table.putField(field); } } ManagerFactory.getProjectManager().project.putModule(md); isUpdate = true; return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { cn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if ("Mysql".equals(type)) { try { dBmapper = new MySQLDBmapper(DataBase.MySQL); //加载驱动类 Class.forName(driverClassName); cn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); String[] split = url.split("/"); String dbName = split[split.length - 1]; Module md = new Module(dbName); //查询所有表 Statement statement = cn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT TABLE_NAME,TABLE_COMMENT FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" + dbName + "'"); while ( { Table table = new Table(rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"), rs.getString("TABLE_COMMENT")); table.setCreate(true); table.setDelete(true); table.setUpdate(true); table.setFind(true); table.setGet(false); table.setSearch(false); md.putTable(table); } for (Table table : md.getTables()) { String sql = "select COLUMN_NAME,COLUMN_COMMENT,COLUMN_KEY,COLUMN_DEFAULT,IS_NULLABLE,DATA_TYPE, COLUMN_TYPE,CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH from information_schema.COLUMNS where table_name = '" + table.getTableName() + "' and table_schema = '" + dbName + "' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION ASC"; ResultSet set = statement.executeQuery(sql); while ( { Field field = new Field(); field.setFieldName(set.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); if ("NO".equals(set.getString("IS_NULLABLE"))) { field.setIsMust(true); } else { field.setIsMust(false); } if ("PRI".equals(set.getString("COLUMN_KEY"))) { field.setIsPrimaryKey(true); } else { field.setIsPrimaryKey(false); } String data_type = set.getString("DATA_TYPE"); int data_length = set.getInt("CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"); field.setFieldType(dBmapper.getType(data_type, data_length, 0, 0)); field.setFieldLength(0); if ("varchar".equals(data_type) || "char".equals(data_type)) { int length = Integer.parseInt(set.getString("CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH")); field.setFieldLength(length); } field.setDefaultValue(set.getString("COLUMN_DEFAULT")); field.setFieldComment(set.getString("COLUMN_COMMENT")); field.setIsQuery(false); table.putField(field); } } ManagerFactory.getProjectManager().project.putModule(md); isUpdate = true; return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } return false; } }