You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
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export default [
groupName: '网络',
groupName_en: 'Network',
list: [
path: 'http',
icon: 'http',
title: 'Http 请求',
title_en: 'Http',
groupName: '全局变量',
groupName_en: 'Global variable',
list: [
path: 'globalVariable',
icon: 'globalVariable',
title: 'GlobalVariable 全局变量',
title_en: 'GlobalVariable',
groupName: '工具库',
groupName_en: 'Tool library',
list: [
path: 'debounce',
icon: 'debounce',
title: 'Throttle | Debounce 节流防抖',
title_en: 'Throttle | Debounce',
path: 'deepMerge',
icon: 'deepMerge',
title: 'DeepMerge 对象深度合并',
title_en: 'DeepMerge',
path: 'deepClone',
icon: 'deepClone',
title: 'DeepClone 对象深度克隆',
title_en: 'DeepClone',
path: 'timeFormat',
icon: 'timeFormat',
title: 'TimeFormat 时间格式化',
title_en: 'TimeFormat',
path: 'timeFrom',
icon: 'timeFrom',
title: 'TimeFrom 多久之前',
title_en: 'TimeFrom',
path: 'guid',
icon: 'guid',
title: 'Guid 全局唯一id',
title_en: 'Guid',
path: 'route',
icon: 'route',
title: 'Route 路由跳转',
title_en: 'Route',
path: 'randomArray',
icon: 'randomArray',
title: 'RandomArray 数组乱序',
title_en: 'RandomArray',
path: 'colorSwitch',
icon: 'colorSwitch',
title: 'ColorSwitch 颜色转换',
title_en: 'ColorSwitch',
path: 'color',
icon: 'color',
title: 'Color 颜色值',
title_en: 'Color',
path: 'queryParams',
icon: 'queryParams',
title: 'QueryParams 对象转URL参数',
title_en: 'QueryParams',
path: 'test',
icon: 'test',
title: 'Test 规则校验',
title_en: 'Test',
path: 'md5',
icon: 'md5',
title: 'Md5 md5加密',
title_en: 'Md5',
path: 'random',
icon: 'random',
title: 'Random 随机数值',
title_en: 'Random',
path: 'trim',
icon: 'trim',
title: 'Trim 去除空格',
title_en: 'Trim',
path: 'getRect',
icon: 'getRect',
title: 'GetRect 节点信息',
title_en: 'GetRect',
path: 'mpShare',
icon: 'mpShare',
title: 'MpShare 小程序分享',
title_en: 'MpShare',

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